The Hoban Horse The Hoban Horse, designed for the 7th Dragoons during the Evanglessian Civil War, was a marvel of technology for its time. Designed by Anketin Barnwell Hoban, this convenience was a steam-powered flying mount designed for his Dragoon unit in order to allow them the ability to attack not only targets on the ground, but to also raid …
New Website!
View PostBig Things on the Horizon!
Big Things on the Horizon! The last few months have been a busy and crazy few months for us. We’ve undergone some large changes in the company that are making us into a sleeker more efficient machine and we can’t wait till you guys get a chance to see the awesome content we’ve got coming up! Here is a …
The Great Airship Robbery – Now Available!
The lost Dragoons of the 7th created flying mechanical mounts, and they’ve been some of the most successful highwaymen since the war’s end because of it. Now the Intrepid is their mark, and the adventurers are going to have to step in, get their hands dirty, and fight off these bandits in the open skies over Tephra. It’s going to …